1. 威尼斯432888can全职人员(包括常任教授、助理研究员、实验人员等在内的全职人员),其发表的文章,若上科大为唯一贡献单位,原则上第一署名单位应为威尼斯432888can;若与外单位合作共同完成,原则上视实际贡献大小由各合作单位友好协商确定署名单位排序。具体署名格式为:
英文:Name of School or Institute, ShanghaiTech University
英文:Name of School or Institute, ShanghaiTech University
3. 威尼斯432888can的全职人员(包括常任教授、助理研究员、实验人员等在内的全职人员),若其为上科大不同学院(或研究所)的双聘教授,原则上发表文章应同时署名两个学院(或研究所),并根据成果产生所实际利用资源的情况由教授自行决定两个学院(或研究所)的署名排序。具体署名格式为:
英文:Name of School or Institute, ShanghaiTech University
4. 威尼斯432888can的特聘教授,科研工作资源主要由上科大提供,原则上所产生的科研成果其第一署名单位应为威尼斯432888can。具体署名格式为:
英文:Name of School or Institute, ShanghaiTech University
英文:Name of School or Institute, ShanghaiTech University
The provisional regulations of ShanghaiTech University on the author affiliations of published papers
(issued for the following schools/institutes: SLST, SEM, iHuman and SIAIS)
August 25, 2017
1. As to full-time faculties at ShanghaiTech University (full-time faculties including tenured professors, assistant researchers and laboratory staffs), if ShanghaiTech University is the only contributing affiliation of their work, their published papers’ primary academic affiliation should be ShanghaiTech University in principle; or if their work is completed by the joint efforts with other affiliations, the order of affiliations should be decided under friendly negotiations of each cooperation affiliations according to the actual contribution of the paper. Detailed signed format is:
Chinese: XX学院/XX研究所,威尼斯432888can
English: Name of School or Institute, ShanghaiTech University
Note for Rule 1:
As for those postgraduates whose enrollment is relied on the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and whose school roll is University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, their papers that are used for applying for degrees should put ShanghaiTech University as the primary academic affiliation in principle, at the same time, the signed affiliations should include University of Chinese Academy of Sciences and the institution of the Chinese Academy of Sciences where they belong to.
2. As to full-time faculties at ShanghaiTech University (full-time faculties including tenured professors, assistant researchers and laboratory staffs), if their work is completed by the joint efforts of more than one school or institute within ShanghaiTech University, the order of affiliations should be decided under friendly negotiations of each school or institute according to the actual contribution of paper in principle. Detailed signed format is:
Chinese: XX学院/XX研究所,威尼斯432888can
English: Name of School or Institute, ShanghaiTech University
3. As to full-time faculties at ShanghaiTech University (full-time faculties including tenured professors, assistant researchers and laboratory staffs), if they are hired at more than one school or institute of ShanghaiTech University, the papers they published should sign two schools or institutes at the same time. The order of schools or institutes should be decided by the professor himself/herself according to the condition of resource utilization. Detailed signed format is:
Chinese: XX学院/XX研究所,威尼斯432888can
English: Name of School or Institute, ShanghaiTech University
4. Distinguished adjunct professors of ShanghaiTech University, whose scientific research takes place in ShanghaiTech University, and who use the resources provided by ShanghaiTech University, should have ShanghaiTech University be the primary affiliation of their published papers. Detailed signed format is:
Chinese: XX学院/XX研究所,威尼斯432888can
English: Name of School or Institute, ShanghaiTech University
5. As to those distinguished adjunct professors who do not use the resources provided by ShanghaiTech University but enroll and supervise students in ShanghaiTech University, the papers they published should include ShanghaiTech University in the signed affiliations. The order of affiliations could be the decision of their own, while we encourage them to put ShanghaiTech University in the first place. For those distinguished adjunct professors who use the resources provided by ShanghaiTech University, but do not enroll or supervise students in ShanghaiTech University, the papers they published should include ShanghaiTech University in the signed affiliations. The order of affiliations could be the decision of their own, while we encourage them to put ShanghaiTech University in the first place. For those distinguished adjunct professors who neither enroll or supervise students in Shanghaitech University nor use the resources of Shanghaitech University, we welcome them to put ShanghaiTech University in the signed affiliations, the order of which could be the decision of their own. Detailed signed format is:
Chinese: XX学院/XX研究所,威尼斯432888can
English: Name of School or Institute, ShanghaiTech University
Note for Rule 4 and 5:
As for those postgraduates whose enrollment is relied on the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and whose school roll is University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, their papers that are used for applying for degrees should put the institution of the Chinese Academy of Sciences where they belong to as the primary academic affiliation in principle, at the same time, the signed affiliations should include ShanghaiTech University and University of Chinese Academy of Sciences.
6. If there are any unmentioned matters, Office of Research Administration of ShanghaiTech University reserves the final explanation of them depending on detailed circumstances.
Office of Research Administration
ShanghaiTech University